Plumbing General Maintenance Services in Bentleigh East, Melbourne
FT Plumbing in Bentleigh East, Melbourne for general maintenance services: tapware repair, mixer tap supply & installation, toilet & cistern repair/replacement. Contact us today!
FT Plumbing Pty Ltd offers tap ware repair and maintenance wherein we can supply and install mixer taps. Rest assured we are equipped with multiple options of spare parts and tap ware to suit your needs and preferences. We can also repair leaking toilers and cisterns and we pride ourselves on our installations of dishwasher change, CWM, and driers. Below is a detailed overview of our general maintenance services.
- Mixer Taps – FT Plumbing is well equipped with the necessary spare parts and tapware depending on your needs and preferences. Not only do we supply these products, we can also install them the right way and you can contact us for both maintenance and repair.
- Toilets and Cisterns – Normally, cisterns are more pricey especially when the damage goes unnoticed for a long time. FT Plumbing can provide you with a complete water closet (WC) replacement custom-fit to your current toilet arrangement.
Other General Maintenance Services – Feel free to check out the other installation services that FT Plumbing can provide. We are professionals in dishwasher change installations, clothes washing machine (CWM) installations, drier installations, and atmosphere venting installations.